Dietary Assessment Primer

National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute

To obtain frequency and, in some cases, portion size information about food and beverage consumption over a specified period of time, typically the past month or year.


A food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) consists of a finite list of foods and beverages with response categories to indicate usual frequency of consumption over the time period queried. To assess the total diet, the number of foods and beverages queried typically ranges from 80 to 120.

Usual portion size can be asked separately for each food and beverage. Alternatively, portion size can be combined with frequency information by asking respondents to translate usual consumption amount to number of specified units (e.g., How often do you eat a ½ cup of rice?). Some questionnaires include portion size images in an attempt to enhance reporting [glossary term:] accuracy.

In addition to foods and beverages, FFQs often ask about the frequency of intake and dosages of commonly consumed [glossary term:] dietary supplements.

FFQs are usually self-administered; interviewer-administration is done occasionally, for example, when literacy is low.

Completing a questionnaire aimed at capturing the total dietary intake usually requires 30 to 60 minutes.

An FFQ is sometimes loosely referred to as a [glossary term:] diet history. However, the term diet history can refer generally to any instrument that asks about diet in the past (Learn More about Diet History). It also is used to refer specifically to a meal-based FFQ or the Burke diet history, which includes a food frequency cross-check component, and its various adaptations.

To learn more about brief frequency questionnaires aimed at capturing particular aspects of the diet, see Screener Profile.

The National Cancer Institute’s Diet History Questionnaire is a freely available FFQ.

Utility of Data

External Web Site Policy

Limitations of Data

Salient Features Compared to Other Self-Report Instruments

For an at-a-glance comparison of the major features of self-report instruments for assessing diet, including FFQs, see the Comparing Dietary Assessment Instruments table.