Fixed point iteration example

By the mean value theorem of differential calculus there is a t between x and s such that
g(x)-g(s) = g'(t)(x-s)
Since g(s) = s and x1 = g(x0), x2 = g(x1), . we obtain
|xn-s| = |g(xn-1)-g(s)| = |g'(t)||xn-1-s|
a |xn-1-s|
a 2 |xn-2-s|
. a n |x0-s|.
Since a a n --> 0; hence |xn-s| --> 0
as n --> infinity.

We mention that g is sometimes called a contraction since we have |g(x)-g(v)| a |x-v|. Furthermore, a gives information on the speed of convergence. For instance, if a = 0.5, since 0.5 7 ~0.008, we gain at least 2 digits more accuracy in 7 steps. Jo01aYxGWrA7PLIHQFWCM8rKLempf5XnS6Ze7Y83vB0=.html "); cf.document.close(); > function cfccls() < cf.window.close(); >function hlts()<'','','toolbar=0,width=240,height=170');; hg.document.writeln(" fixed-point highlights "); hg.document.writeln(" Jo01aYxGWrA7PLIHQFWCM8rKLempf5XnS6Ze7Y83vB0=.html "); hg.document.close(); > function hltsclose()

Fixed point : A point, say, s is called a fixed point if it satisfies the equation x = g(x).

Fixed point Iteration : The transcendental equation f(x) = 0 can be converted algebraically into the form x = g(x) and then using the iterative scheme with the recursive relation

xi+1= g(xi), i = 0, 1, 2, . . .,

with some initial guess x0 is called the fixed point iterative scheme.

Numerical Example :

Find a root of x 4 -x-10 = 0 [ Graph]
Consider g1(x) = 10 / (x 3 -1) and the fixed point iterative scheme xi+1=10 / (xi 3 -1), i = 0, 1, 2, . . .let the initial guess x0 be 2.0

i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
xi 2 1.429 5.214 0.071 -10.004 -9.978E-3 -10 -9.99E-3 -10
So the iterative process with g1 gone into an infinite loop without converging.

Consider another function g2(x) = (x + 10) 1/4 and the fixed point iterative scheme
xi+1= (xi + 10) 1/4 , i = 0, 1, 2, . . .

let the initial guess x0 be 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0

i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
xi 1.0 1.82116 1.85424 1.85553 1.85558 1.85558
xi 2.0 1.861 1.8558 1.85559 1.85558 1.85558
xi 4.0 1.93434 1.85866 1.8557 1.85559 1.85558 1.85558
That is for g2 the iterative process is converging to 1.85558 with any initial guess.

Consider g3(x) =(x+10) 1/2 /x and the fixed point iterative scheme

xi+1=( xi+10) 1/2 /xi, i = 0, 1, 2, . . .
let the initial guess x0 be 1.8,

i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 . . . 98
xi 1.8 1.9084 1.80825 1.90035 1.81529 1,89355 1.82129 . . . 1.8555
That is for g3 with any initial guess the iterative process is converging but very slowly to

Geometric interpretation of convergence with g1, g2 and g3

Fig g1 Fig g2 Fig g3
Condition for Convergence :

If g(x) and g'(x) are continuous on an interval J about their root s of the equation x = g(x), and if |g'(x)| for all x in the interval J then the fixed point iterative process xi+1=g( xi), i = 0, 1, 2, . . ., will converge to the root x = s for any initial approximation x0 belongs to the interval J .

Worked out problems
Exapmple 1 Find a root of cos(x) - x * exp(x) = 0 Solution
Exapmple 2 Find a root of x 4 -x-10 = 0 Solution
Exapmple 3 Find a root of x-exp(-x) = 0 Solution
Exapmple 4 Find a root of exp(-x) * (x 2 -5x+2) + 1= 0 Solution
Exapmple 5 Find a root of x-sin(x)-(1/2)= 0 Solution
Exapmple 6 Find a root of exp(-x) = 3log(x) Solution
Problems to workout