Simple Smart Form

T-code for smart form is SMARTFORMS. Various business processes need a standard form by which the business can be run. Example of this kind of form is invoice, purchase orders, sales order details, delivery notes etc. We see that there are various formats of invoices between various retail shops. It means each and every organization uses a unique format of forms. Smart Form is one of the tools of SAP which fulfils this requirement. There is another tool for this and that is SAP Script. SAP script was the only one tool before release 4.6 and now from that release we have two options for the forms.

In the following example we have demonstrated a simple smart form which prints Purchase Order list based on the creation date at the selection screen. We can write a complete program inside a smart form. But in this example we have created a driver program for that.

Smart form always generates a function module while activating into the system. Now this system generated function module is dependent on the system. It means if we transport the form into development to quality system then the name of the function module gets changed. So to avoid naming conflict we can produce the name at run time and then we can call that by a variable. To achieve this we have function module SSF_FUNCTION_MODULE_NAME. It produces the FM for the form into a variable. After that we call that variable as FM.

We are passing an internal table from the driver program to the form. To do this we need to create a custom structure in DDIC. The internal table for the program and smart form will hold this DB structure.

The driver program is as follows.

REPORT zsr_test .

TABLES : ekko .
BEGIN OF ty_ekko ,
ebeln TYPE ekko - ebeln ,
aedat TYPE ekko - aedat ,
END OF ty_ekko .

wa_ekko TYPE ty_ekko ,
it_ekko TYPE TABLE OF ty_ekko ,
lw_ekpo TYPE zsr_test ,
lt_ekpo TYPE TABLE OF zsr_test ,
wa_ekpo TYPE zsr_test ,
it_ekpo TYPE TABLE OF zsr_test ,
date_low TYPE sy - datum ,
date_high TYPE sy - datum .

SELECT-OPTIONS : s_date FOR ekko - aedat .

PERFORM get_po_details .
PERFORM call_smart_form .

* text
FORM get_po_details .

SELECT ebeln aedat
FROM ekko INTO TABLE it_ekko
WHERE aedat IN s_date .

IF sy - subrc = 0 .
date_low = s_date - low .
date_high = s_date - high .

SORT it_ekko BY aedat .
SELECT ebeln ebelp txz01
matnr menge meins
FROM ekpo INTO TABLE lt_ekpo
WHERE ebeln = it_ekko - ebeln
AND menge NE 0 .

IF sy - subrc = 0 .

LOOP AT lt_ekpo INTO lw_ekpo .
AT NEW ebeln .
wa_ekpo - ebeln = lw_ekpo - ebeln .

wa_ekpo - ebelp = lw_ekpo - ebelp .
wa_ekpo - txz01 = lw_ekpo - txz01 .
wa_ekpo - menge = lw_ekpo - menge .
wa_ekpo - meins = lw_ekpo - meins .

IF lw_ekpo - matnr IS NOT INITIAL .
wa_ekpo - matnr = lw_ekpo - matnr .
wa_ekpo - matnr = '' .
APPEND wa_ekpo TO it_ekpo .
CLEAR : wa_ekpo , lw_ekpo .

* text
FORM call_smart_form .

DATA : lv_form_name TYPE rs38l_fnam .

formname = 'ZTEST'
fm_name = lv_form_name
no_form = 1
no_function_module = 2
OTHERS = 3 .

CALL FUNCTION lv_form_name
date_low = date_low
date_high = date_high
it_ekpo = it_ekpo
formatting_error = 1
internal_error = 2
send_error = 3
user_canceled = 4
OTHERS = 5 .


Now go to SMARTFORMS and create a simple form step by step. At first we import all the variables, structure & table into Form Interface.

After that we create the variables, structure or internal tables inside Global Definition.

Now we create the nodes one by one at first page. The first page will contain a header window, main window & a footer window. The header will be a secondary window which holds the condition of displaying at first page. The main is the main window which is mandatory for any page. The footer will be the final window which comes after finishing of every window.

The HEADER Part which holds the Condition - Only first page:

Now create a template by right clicking on the Header Window.

Now we create Logo, Header & body text by right clicking on the template.

Here we have to mention the position in Output Structure. (1,1) means 1st row & 1st column. Similarly (2,1) means 2nd row & 1st column. Similarly we are creating the following.

The MAIN Part:

In the main part we have to create a table to display item wise PO details.

Table contains a structure which needs to be designed at table painter.

Now table always has a loop so we need to loop into work area in the data section.

The header must come each and every page.

In the main the serial number will not come for different line items of same PO. So we have created code inside the loop and also we are changing the format of Item numbers.

Based on this condition the text will come.

All of the texts are populated by hard coded text or variable text. Since table contains different variable texts which are populated by clicking Field List (mark in red) and then drag and drop the particular field.

Now the Total calculation will be done at footer level of the table. This footer will come only at the end of the table.

In this way we create a table inside the main window. Now it’s time to create a footer window. Right click on the page and create a window named Footer Window.

The FOOTER Part:

We have created the footer window as a final window.

It has a condition that it will trigger at the last page after the end of main.

We create a template here by which the footer information will be displayed.

Now we create another small window which will display only Page number. The window is at the right last location of any page. So it will be a Secondary window which contains only one text field.

The page number is populated by system fields. Current page = SFSY-PAGE & Total page = SFSY-FORMPAGES. Just drag and drop to populate the text.

Now we need to create a second page which holds the copy of Main, Footer & Page number window. If the line item exceeds the first page then it will come at second page. The main window of second page will start from the top of the page.

Now execute the report and mention the date range. It will generate the following Smart form.

The output comes by one page. Now we are going to generate more than one page by expanding the date range.

The problem is that the Footer window always captures a fixed height in every page. We shall sort out this by next article.