SIE Online Study Guide

Use our free SIE study guide to prepare for your Securities Industry Essentials Exam. This online study guide is divided into four sections based on FINRA’s SIE Content Outline. There is also a review quiz for each section. When you finish working through the guide, be sure to try our SIE Practice Tests.

If you are serious about getting a great score on your SIE Exam, try out our recommended SIE Prep Course.

Section 1: Knowledge of Capital Markets

This section covers the foundations of the financial services industry. You will learn about regulatory entities, types of economic markets, factors that can impact these markets, and securities offerings. At the end of this section, you will have a greater understanding of the securities industry and its regulations.

Section 2: Understanding Products and their Risks

This section covers the various types of securities offered to investors along with their respective investment risks. You will learn about equity securities, debt instruments, options, direct participation programs, and other products. At the end of this section, you will have a greater understanding of the numerous investment products that form the backbone of the securities industry.

Section 3: Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities

This section covers the types of customer accounts available to investors and the compliance protocols associated with those accounts. You will learn about trade orders and settlement, corporate actions, and prohibited activities of registered representatives. At the end of this section, you will have a greater understanding of investors’ roles in the industry and the regulations that are in place to protect them.

Section 4: Overview of the Regulatory Framework

This section covers the regulatory requirements for registered representatives. You will learn about registration and continuing education, employee conduct rules, and reportable events that may require public disclosure. At the end of this section, you will have a greater understanding of the regulations that govern the activities of securities industry professionals.